+386 2 754 02 00

Occupational Activity Centre

RU Centre for guidance, care and employment under special conditions is an organizational unit of the Institute for Education, Work and Care dr. Marijan Borštnar in Dornava (ZUDV Dornava), which evolved from workshops under specific conditions established in 1986. In 1992, they were renamed into Occupational Activity Centre - VDC. In 2006, the new Statute of the Institute as the basic unit transformed it into RU Centre for guidance, care and employment under special conditions.

Programs are conducted in workshop groups in:

  • WU VDC Dornava, Dornava 128, 2252 Dornava
  • WU VDC Ptuj, Vičava 5, 2250 Ptuj
  • WU VDC Ormož, Opekarniška 2, 2270 Ormož



DE VDC Dornava WU VDC Ptuj DE VDC Ormož
WU VDC Dornava WU VDC Ptuj WU VDC Ormož


The total capacity of the centre is 130 places. Users of services provided by the centre live at home, in integrated housing and at the Institute. The center conducts the following programs:

  • Employment under special conditions
  • Guidance
  • Care


Together with employment, social and pedagogical programs aimed at improving the quality of life are provided. In the context of social programs, users may be included in the program of home assistance. All users are provided with an individualized program of practical assistance, in which they are actively involved. They are offered concrete support in all life situations with professional guidance and training to maximize their independent living, thus prolonging their stay in the home environment.

In the field of guidance, users have the possibility of inclusion in a variety of courses, workshops, study tours ... Educational activities in which they may be included are: workshops in the field of nursing, computer course, confectionery workshop, science and cultural days, self-advocacy groups. On the basis of self-interest, they are also included in leisure activities organized in the framework of employment at VDC: film days, hiking, chess, basketball, musical motive workshops, games. We organize picnics, games and birthday celebrations.

At our Occupational Activity Centre, we strive for a greater user involvement in the external environment, for employment in other organized forms of support. We have developed cooperation with the Centre for the elderly Ormož - assistance to the elderly in wheelchairs - common walking and socializing on various occasions in order to develop a sense of solidarity, intergenerational relationships and perception of self-worth.

In autumn 2007, our users took part in seasonal jobs - grape picking, apple picking. They worked with enthusiasm and made new social ties. Inclusion in seasonal activity poses a greater choice of employment within the scope of services provided by the Occupational Activity Centre and is an important factor of socialization in the home environment.


Institute for Education, Work and Care dr. Marijan Borštnar Dornava
RU VDC Dornava
Dornava 128, 2252 Dornava


[phone]: +386 2 754 01 50
[fax]: +386 2 754 01 51
[email]: vdc.dornava@zavod-dornava.si
[website]: http://www.zavod-dornava.si